與我的妻子拍一張20x24的拍立得照片(可以的話希望我要自己達成) | 週六的下午,跟老婆兩人在家,沒什麼事要忙,就拿出上個月的發票來對看有沒有中獎! |
跟我爸一起玩空氣吉他! 我希望能有機會回到可以一起開心的、沒有規則的玩遊戲的狀態。 | 我想到的是小學ㄧ年級,和媽媽在當時名聲非常好的阿瘦皮鞋試穿了好久,最後ㄧ人買了ㄧ雙"真正的皮鞋"。我選的那雙是罕見的深灰藍色,好像是有繫鞋帶的款式,也是我人生中第ㄧ雙皮鞋,穿上覺得自己好像小公主。以小孩的鞋來說很貴,媽媽和我以慎重的心情付完帳,上公車回家,最後卻把它忘在公車上了。那雙鞋是我再也見不到,也想不起完整樣子的美好。 |
我想到一個平房,我爸媽開心的在打麻將,可能是在宜蘭,我爸剛胡牌笑得開心,媽媽坐在旁邊幫他算台,旁邊的空地有兩個小孩,可能五歲跟三歲,小的興奮在學騎車,大的關心在後面扶著他。遠方有幾具風車,佇立在綠油油的稻田旁,風車之外有海,海天一色。 | 回到家,我的狗對著我搖尾衝過來,上上下下聞著,我看著牠很專心的小腦袋瓜,以及奮力擺動的尾巴。 |
有幾頭粉紅色的大象載著情人和朋友們前往夢中某個未知的地方,而直覺告訴我這地方充滿著未知的美好。 | 小時候有一天的下午,我跟爸爸在家閒閒沒事,爸爸蹲在家裡一面白色小牆壁前想了很久,然後拿了我的故事書和一盒粉彩筆,說:「我們來在牆壁上畫畫!」 在我還來不及思考“在牆壁上畫畫”這件事是否是被允許時,爸爸已經照著故事書上的圖案動手在牆壁上揮霍了起來,他畫了一隻小鹿斑比和牠的朋友兔子,我也跟著興奮地在牆壁上亂塗鴉,這是我和爸爸合作的第一件作品。 印象中爸爸畫得真的好像啊!牆壁上那隻小鹿斑比在一片和藹的小草地上跟兔子玩耍,我跟爸爸也玩得很開心,這是我的美好畫面之一。 更開心的是,隔了二十幾年後,我再次邀約爸爸一起畫畫,他爽快地答應了。我們一同完成了兒時記憶裡的圖畫,雖然似乎沒有印象中畫得那麼像,但是卻那麼珍貴。 |
經過整個星期的忙碌,實驗做得很順,開會簡報也報得很好,完成該做的工作後,禮拜六早上睡到自然醒,跟老婆吃完早餐,躺在沙發上很爽的看電視,什麼也不用想。 |
The wonderful project
photography, text
2013, 2014
SLY Art Space, Fu Jen Art Gallery in Taipei, and Soulangh Cultural Park in Tainan
In my mind, there are plenty of wonderful images which I yearn for all the time. The perfection yet un-attainability of these wonderful images turn the idea of wonderfulness into an ideal.
I ask 50 friends about the wonderful image in their minds. I find out that people are still pursuing the possibility of the wonderfulness. It may be the nostalgia of the wonderful experiences in the past. It may be a craving for an ideal state either in the future or in imagination. By reproducing the circumstances or playing the role, I attempt to achieve the wonderfulness and interpret others’ wonderfulness from my viewpoint. I create several wonderful stories even by self-performing the interviewee, tinted with my personal imagination to a certain degree. The reproduced wonderfulness, as such, may diverge from their expectation, revealing the discrepancy between reality and imagination. Perhaps, the wonderfulness can only exist in imagination.
The wonderfulness is conveyed, received, subjectively comprehended, and then interpreted. Hundreds of the wonderful images that I gather are re-presented and re-narrated through images, writings, and installation art. With the interweaving of reality and ideality, this project attempts to form various emotional projections and perception from the audiences.
This way to fulfill the wonderfulness imperceptibly enlarges the distance between itself and reality. However, such act also represents the desire for wonderfulness in concrete and real-life experiences. It makes this desire a real, authentic feel and experience. Even though the reality is not always about one’s wish fulfilled, the slight individual desire is still positive and wonderful in a world that incessantly moves forward anyway.
我詢問了50位友人,關於他們心中那個”美好”是什麼? 我發現人們仍然在追求美好的可能,有些是留戀過去的美好經驗,有些是寄情於未來或想像中的理想狀態。我嘗試將這些”美好”以情境再造、角色演繹等方式實現,並試圖用我的視角去詮釋他人的”美好”,加諸主觀的想像,虛構出一段段的美好故事。如此再現的”美好”可能跟本人心中的期待有差距,透露出真實與虛幻的距離,也或許”美好”只能存在想像裡。